Rachel Rayner, Science Explainer is a science communicator, writer and performer with a background in marketing, PR and education. She runs workshops, creates shows and can help you find your voice.
Get in touch if you'd like to revive, refresh or strengthen your communication and presentation skills in scientific, artistic and ultimately creative ways.
Be curious, enjoy both the arts and the sciences, and make sure you look at the stars.
Whether a turn-key or tailored show, for adults or kids, let's have some fun with a humorous, energetic, onstage adventure. Visit Shows for the current touring show, or get in touch for something specific to you.
Running for one, three or six hours, there are a range of workshops to help you refresh your abilities or try something new:
Science Poetry;
Communicating your Research
Presenting for Camera, Radio & Stage;
Representing your Brand
Workshop topics can be extended into training programs, whether for individuals, staff or students. Programs will be tailored to your needs, budget and time allocation.
Goodness - is that your mood board?! Seems you might be struggling to capture your brand identity. In this sit down session, we explore what is important to you to help you build a direction for your brand identity, and help you embody a clear image.
Need a guest speaker to bring the science to your arts event, or arts to your science event? I love talking, and can add to the discussion in a way that is relevant and varied for your audience.
Got a tricky product or service that you're not sure how to communicate? Need a writer to generate some amusing copy to capture your audience? I know someone...
For details on these services and how they can be tailored to your needs, get in touch!